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Paul Tiililä mail art collection

Paul Tiililä (1931–2020) was a Finnish writer and artist, who actively practised mail art as a hobby. Tiililä donated his collection of more than 2,000 mail art works to Postal Museum as two donations in 2004 and 2014. There are also publications and compilations of exhibitions in which Tiililä participated. The collection includes works by more than 1,000 artists from some 50 countries. The oldest works in the collection are from the 1990s.
In this photo gallery you can browse 40 selected works with the theme ”time” or ”sports”.

Mail art with the themes time and sport

Sport 2008 / Tiziana Baracci, Italy
Sport 2008, Max Weller, Brazil
Sport 2008, Harald Goldhahn, Germany
Sport 2008, Raymond Furlotte, Canada
Sport 2008, Erich Paproth, Germany
Sport 2008, Chantal Laurin, Canada
Sport 2008, Servane Morel, Belgium
Sport 2008, Carlos Zürck, Brazil
Sport 2008, Anne Braunschweig, U.S.A.
Sport 2008, Rémy Pérnard, France
Sport 2008, Marina Salmaso, Denmark
Sport 2008, Maurizio Follin, Italy
Sport 2008, Annamaria Danese, Italy
Sport 2008, Augustin Calvo Galán, Spain
Sport 2008, Eraldo Di Vita, Italy
Sport 2008, Miguel Jimenez, Spain
Sport 2008, José M. Figueiredo, Portugal
Sport 2008, Renata & Giovanni Strada, Italy
Sport 2008, José Augustin Sánhez, Spain
Sport 2008, Carlos Botana, Spain
What time is it? 2007, Piet Franzen, Holland
What time is it? 2007, Miguel Jimenez, Spain
What time is it? 2007, Isao Yoshii, Japan
What time is it? 2007, Barry Edgar Pilcher, Ireland
What time is it? 2007, Eric Coraboeuf, France
What time is it? 2007, Angela & Peter Netmail, Germany
What time is it? 2007, Ben T.B. Piret, Belgium
What time is it? 2007, Mariano Bellarosa, Italy
What time is it? 2007, Enrico Corazza, Italy
What time is it? 2007, Haje Holmström, Finland
What time is it? 2007, Michael Fox, Germany
What time is it? 2007, Pascal Lenoir, France
What time is it? 2007, Pete Spence, Australia
What time is it? 2007, Alex Lavruhin, Russia
What time is it? 2007, Anna Finetti, Italy
What time is it? 2007, Matteo Albertin, Italy
What time is it? 2007, Asko Myllys, Switzerland
What time is it? 2007, Daniel Daligand, France
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