Guided Tours
Postal Museum’s services for adult groups
The Postal Museum’s guided tours familiarize visitors with the museum’s permanent exhibition, Messengers, or a changing exhibition on a specific theme. The Messengers exhibition offers information and great experiences. The exhibition tells human-sized stories about the history of message conveyance, not forgetting recent history and the present day. At the core are the meaning of the message, the development of postal transport and the changes that have occurred in postal work over time.
Guided tours of the Postal Museum are an excellent way for an association or a group of colleagues or friends to spend a recreational moment!
Introduction – Welcome to Vapriikki! Duration 5–10 min
The introduction is a short overview of the history and present use of the Vapriikki building. It also briefly introduces the museum’s permanent and changing exhibitions. Depending on the occasion, it is also possible to arrange the introduction in the Vapriikki auditorium and cabinet or the museum restaurant Valssi.
More than 5 people per group; languages: Finnish, English, other languages where possible.
Guided tour of the Messengers exhibition, duration 45–60 min
An expert guide will familiarize the group with the history of message conveyance in the Messengers exhibition. The museum tour features Finland’s first postal vehicle, surveys wartime correspondence and introduces a retro post office from the 1970s.
30 people per group; languages: Finnish, Swedish, English, French, German and Russian.
Bookings: +358 3 5656 6966